RFB 25-1204 Lake Fork Division Caney Point Asphalt Road Improvement Project

Bid Opportunities, Notices

Please download RFB 25-1204 LFD Caney Point Asphalt Road Improvement Bid Documents and Notice to Respondents at the following link:  https://www.sratx.org/about/forms/#doing-business RFB 25-1204 LFD Caney Point Asphalt Road Improvements Notice to Bidders.pdf RFB 25-1204 LFD Caney Point Asphalt Road Improvements.pdf Caney Point ACP Plan Sheet signed and sealed.pdf TxDOT Specs ACP.pdf  

SRA-TX Seeking Volunteers to Construct Artificial Habitat Toledo Bend

News, Press Releases

Sabine River Authority of Texas (SRA-TX) invites you to attend a volunteer workday to help assemble PVC fish attractors that will be deployed into Toledo Bend Reservoir. Assembly includes using PVC glue to join pre-assembled pipes, drilling 5/8” holes into the PVC pipe, and zip tying 100’ of 4” perforated pipe around and throughout the structure. All materials and disposable …