The SRA-TX is governed by a nine-member Board of Directors appointed by the Governor of Texas for six-year terms. The Governer appoints three board members every two years. Directors are required to reside within a county situated wholly or partially within the watershed of the Sabine River. The members of the SRA-TX Board of Directors are leaders in their communities and dedicated citizens who are active participants in the water issues being addressed by the SRA-TX.
2025 SRA-TX Board of Directors

Kevin M. Williams
Orange, Texas
Kevin Williams of Orange is owner of Cypress Bayou Industrial, C&S Trailers of Fort Worth and Rose City, and a partner in Zoetic Global. He serves on the board of First Financial Bank, and as a member of Rotary District and ABC Associated Builders & Contractors. In addition, he is a member of Faith United Methodist Church. In 2019, Mr. Williams was appointed to the Board by Governor Greg Abbott. Mr. Williams received a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from Texas A&M University. He and his wife, Angela, reside in Orange, Texas and have three children Sydney, Bailey, and Kayne

Cliff Todd
Long Branch, Texas
Cliff Todd of Long Branch manages the assets of his farm and ranch operations in Panola County and is the Executive Vice President for Topcat Companies of Longview. He is a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers and a board member at the Carthage UT Health East Texas Hospital. He serves as a commissioner with Emergency Services District for Panola County and president of the Panola County Airport Advisory Board. He is the past member of the Austin and Carthage Rotary Clubs. Additionally, he is a member and deacon of Central Baptist Church of Carthage, and longtime adult Sunday school teacher. In 2007, Mr. Todd was appointed to the Board by Governor Rick Perry, reappointed in 2019 and 2024 by Governor Greg Abbott. Mr. Todd received a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from Stephen F. Austin State University. He and his wife, Denise, reside in Long Branch, Texas

Darrin R. Rudolph
Longview, Texas
Darrin R. Rudolph of Longview is the owner of Rudy’s Transport Services of East Texas, LLC and is the pastor of Greenhill Baptist Church. He is a member of the Independent Funeral Directors Association and 3rd Degree Member of Fred Douglas Lodge. He is a former gubernatorial appointee on the Advisory Council on Emergency Medical Services. Mr. Rudolph received a Funeral Director Certification from the Dallas Institute of Funeral Service and is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice from American InterContinental University. In 2022, Mr. Rudolph was appointed to the Board by Governor Greg Abbott. Mr. Rudolph resides in Longview.

Elton Brock
Secretary Pro-Tem
Marshall, Texas
Elton Brock of Marshall is the Chief Procurement Officer for the City of Duncanville. He is a member of the Institute for Supply Management, currently serving as a member of the Education Committee, and previously as president and education director of the Southwest Forum, and as president of the Austin and Waco chapters. He is a member and former director of the Texas Bass Nation and currently the Conservation Director of the Texas Bass Federation. He is the Republican Precinct Chair in Harrison County and the President of the Harrison County Republican Assembly. In 2022, Mr. Brock was appointed to the Board by Governor Greg Abbott. Mr. Brock received a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice and Business and a Master of Business Administration from Sam Houston State University. He resides in Marshall, Texas.

Jeanette Sterner
Holly Lake Ranch, Texas
Col. Jeanette Sterner was honorably discharged from the United States Army and Texas Army National Guard after 30 years of service. While serving in the Texas Army National Guard, she worked for the Veterans Administration Medical Center in Dallas as a vocational rehabilitation counselor and clinical coordinator for the Veterans Homeless Program. She is an active member of the Military Officers Association of America and the Women’s Service Guild Holly Lake Ranch. She is former president of Greater Hawkins Veterans Memorial Association, Holly Lake Ranch Veterans Association, and the Women’s Auxiliary to Greater Hawkins Memorial Association. Civilian awards include Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in the South and Southwest, and Biography of the Directory of Distinguished Americans. In 2015, Ms. Sterner was appointed to the Board by Governor Greg Abbott and was reappointed in 2022. Col. Sterner received a Bachelor of Arts from Oklahoma City University, Master of Science from Trinity University and a master’s degree in Strategic Planning for Global Situations from the Army War College. She resides in Holly Lake Ranch.

Thomas " Tom" Beall
Milam, Texas
Tom Beall is the president of Beall’s Furniture Inc., and current owner of Cimarron Equipment. Additionally, he is current owner of Red Hill Ranch Cattle and a former owner and manager of several Ashley Furniture Home Stores. Mr. Beall served on the Hemphill Independent School District Board for 15 years and is a current board member for First State Bank in Hemphill. In 2018, Mr. Beall was appointed to the Board by Governor Greg Abbott, reappointed in 2024. Mr. Beall received an associate degree in management from Tyler Junior College. He and his wife, Kelly, reside in Milam, Texas.

James W. "Bill" Bruce
Orange, Texas
James W. "Bill" Bruce of Orange is the general manager for the Moore Odom Wildlife Foundation, Inc. and the FR Ranches of both Texas and Louisiana. He is on the board of directors for Bridge City Bank, Am Tex Bancshares Holding Company, and Duphil, Inc. He is also on the Sabine Regional Flood Planning Group (Region 4). He is a member of the National Cutting Horse Association, American Cutting Horse Association, American Quarter Horse Association, a Life Sponsor member of Ducks Unlimited, and a member of the Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association. In 2024, Mr. Bruce was appointed to the Board by Governor Greg Abbott. He and his wife, Colleen, reside in Orange, Texas.

Richard "Blair" Abney
Marshall, Texas
Richard “Blair” Abney of Marshall is an appraiser and owner of Abney Valuation Group, PLLC. He is a member of the Appraisal Institute and its National Government Relations Committee. Additionally, he is an investment committee member for the Court Appointment Special Advocates (CASA) Tri-County Board, board member of the Pelz Family Foundation, and a volunteer for First Methodist Church – Marshall. In 2024, Mr. Abney was appointed to the Board by Governor Greg Abbott. Mr. Abney received a Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting from Baylor University. He and his wife, Jennifer, reside in Marshall, Texas.

Joshua A. “Josh” McAdams
Center, Texas
Joshua McAdams is owner of Midstream Transportation and vice president of McAdams Propane Company. He is past president of Texas Propane Gas Association and a member of National Propane Gas Association. In addition, he is past president and board member of Shelby County Children’s Advocacy Center and a member of Shelby County Cookers and the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo’s Area Go Texan Committee. In 2019, Mr McAdams was appointed to the Board by Governor Greg Abbott. Mr. McAdams received a Bachelor of Business Administration in Management from Texas A&M University. He and his wife, Sharisse, reside in Center, Texas.